SYNERGY attended the 1st #energy Domain Workshop

Yesterday, Eva María Muñoz presented the data architecture of the SYNERGY project at the 1st Energy Domain workshop OPEN-DEI is an EU-funded project, that aims to detect

 gaps, encourage synergies, support regional and national cooperation, and enhance communication among the Innovation Actions implementing the EU Digital Transformation strategy.

The objectives of the workshop have been to establish links among the H2020 projects in the energy ecosystem dealing with data exchange and use case applications, and secondly, to set up working groups and joint actions and agree on plans for the upcoming period.

The workshop was held as a teleconference and was opened by Mark van Stiphout (EC) and Franck Boissiere (EC). The workshop has participants from 7 H2020 projects (amongst them SYNERGY) who have exchanged information about their projects and shared best practices.

Read more about OPEN-DEI here.